Explore the light source!

IGA is a scientifically interactive kit (stationary stand and a handheld sensor device) that allows you to explore the light source: light spectrum, temperature, wavelength. You can even hear what kind of sound is produced by a light bulb, TV remote or other visible and invisible light sources.
With this device, it is possible to study relative intensity wavelengths that are radiated from the light source and it is possible to explore in which part of the electromagnetic wave spectrum these measurements are located.
This scientific game allows you to understand and find out the connection between radiation, visible light, and body heat radiation. So you can compare the infrared light that is emitted by the TV remote and the human body. This device also gives an opportunity to listen to the light frequency in which it is presented.
The stationary stand is equipped with a variety of light sources that helps to explore the different types of light, like:
1) ultraviolet light source;
2) visible light: a green, red, blue, warm white and cold white light source;
3) Infrared light source with an analog audio message.

Design & production:
Kristine Berza
Oskars Berzs
Linen & leather case:
In cooperation with:
- AS Latvenergo
- Elektrum Energy
Efficiency Centre
- 2018
Materials used:
- 3D printed plastic
- Birch plywood
- Fabric electricity wire
- E-ink display
- 7" Touchscreen Display
- Raspberry Pi 3
- C12880MA
- Infrared (heat) sensor
- Photo resistor
- Infrared receiver
- Capacitive
Touch Sensors
- MP3 player for
infrared analog audio
- ATmega
- ARM Cortex
- Impregnated gray linen &
black leather details