Compare how much power your light bulbs consume!

SJS is a special design lamp that allows you to see how much power the light bulb consumes. SJS is a combination of function and design and it can be used also as a lighting element. This lamp is designed especially for the Energy Efficiency Centre to help consumers see the difference and compare the light bulbs they purchase. In total there are 4 lamps and 2 empty elements. With the help of magnets, these lamps can be positioned in different ways making this stand transformable and interactive.
The light bulb‘s power measuring function is achieved by a bit more complicated system in order to stick with design and idea. The accelerometer rotates the screen accordingly to the position of the lamp. The current and voltage readings are calculated in watts and displayed on the screen.

Design & production:
Kristine Berza
Oskars Berzs
Linen & leather case:
Metal Construction:
In cooperation with:
- AS Latvenergo
- Elektrum Energy
Efficiency Centre
- 2018
Materials used:
- Metal construction
- Birch plywood
- Birch hardwood
- Fabric electricity wire
- Current sensor
- Voltage sensor
- Capacitive touch sensor
- Accelerometer
- ATmega microcontroller
- LCD display
- Relay
- Custom made PCB
- Neodymium magnets
- Impregnated gray linen &
black leather details